Saturday, December 27, 2008

Turkey TIP

I made turkey Christmas day and tried a new way of cooking it. OH MY GOODNESS and YUMMINESS!!! A while back I was watching the FOOD TV and saw a program about this little town called Turkeyville. The couple started a restaurant a long time ago that serves turkey dinners and other turkey dishes 365 days a year. The man that is the owner cooks his turkeys breast down until the last half hour and then flips it over (by it's hind legs! Opps that was my Crocodile Hunter coming out) so the top will brown. This keeps all the meat moist and so good. The family, even my young non-turkey liker, said it was so moist and good.
It was the most moist turkey we have ever had!
So next time you are going to cook the large bird try this out I think you will be pleasantly surprised. Hugs, Bobbi Jo

1 comment:

Maryanna said...

hmmm. I'll have to try this when I attempt a turkey.